Výbor z poezie dvou básníků, kteří se nikdy nesetkali: moravskéhoho Jana Skácela a slovenského Milana Růfuse (zároveň doplný anglickými překlady), doplněný exkluzivním cedečkem, na námět písní Dady Klementové s texty obou básníků v češtině i ve slovenštině. V8, 64 s. + CD, ISBN 978-80-87631-28-7, cena 399 Kč.
What the Angel Left Behind
When ravens have not been lifted from the trees
And things have not been touched,
Between two poplars, see, an angel soars,
Finishing dreams in flight,
Sings during tiny cracks of sleep.
The first who’s getting in the empty street
Feels stricken by the song,
Can only guess
Without a glimpse of eye.
A greenish world
Is all the angel may have left behind.
First Rain of Spring
When rooks the godly hints do trust,
To mountains they are rowing.
Sky, pay your debts, and fast.
The clouds release the sound
Of smacking rain
Onto the roofs where on their toes
Snowflakes were treading much the same,
Softly as panther goes.
The rain moves loudly.
Its minute
And tiny steps
Carves fountains in ice
Whereon it gets.